Innovators in Rural Community Economic Development

Rural Action

Yellow Wood brings a special combination of content and process expertise to our work.

We invite you to explore our work.  Recent projects and presentations are listed below.  You can explore additional work using the various tags in the right hand column.

Identifying Potential Institutional Buyers of Sustainable Forest Products, Technical Assistance for Rural Action

Yellow Wood was asked to provide technical assistance to the Green Forest Products Collaborative to assess the level of demand opportunity in the region’s institutions and government agencies. Yellow Wood performed a scan of the region and identified…

Becoming a Measurement Guide Coaching, Karen Affeld, Rural Action

Shanna Ratner provided coaching and mentoring for 2002 Measurement Guide Karen Affeld from Rural Action, a nonprofit organization that builds model sustainable development projects and encourages a broad civic conversation around Appalachian Ohio’s…

Becoming a Measurement Guide Training, August 2002

Members of the August 2002 Becoming a Measurement Guide class included LaDonna Coy, Southwest CAPT, Oklahoma; Kerstin Gorham, Northwest Area Foundation, Minnesota; and Karen Affeld, Rural Action, Ohio. Since 2002, Yellow Wood has been offering professionals…

Rural Action Staff and Vista Volunteer Training Workshops

Yellow Wood designed and delivered, “You Get What You Measure®: Becoming a Learning Community,” for the staff and 31 Vista volunteers of Rural Action in Athens, Ohio. Staff and volunteers used the workshop to develop goals, indicators, and measures…